Friday, January 15, 2010


I hate America Idol!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My thoughts from 2009

Mythbusters is still the best TV show ever
I don't like Elvis
Milie Sirus is just a robot created by the Disney Imagineers
Gray hair can show up at 29
Blacking out makes for some good stories
When crazy, everything is "inappropriate"
There are good people still in the world
Blogs are nothing but trouble
I have a great family (includes In-Laws, cousins. etc, of course)
Funerals still suck
I hate cancer
I still love chocolate
Having a rare desies is both horrible and exciting
Las Vegas is a lot different then the last time I was there
U2 Rocks!!
I really don't mean to scare my wife
I still can't gamble
I am both sad and happy Robert Jordan is dead
I missed fishing
Rage, Hope, Will, Fear, and Death are cool
My favorite movies of 2009 were Star Trek and G.I. Joe
Family parties don't cause Dinosaur Flu
I miss "The Crash Test Dummies and Steven Page with BLN
Star Wars in Concert was Awesome
Steve Rogers is alive again
Bruce Wayne is dead
Mothers day will never be the same
I will always laugh at "but where are their feet?" when kids go to a viewing
Reading Harry Potter for the first time backwards is the only way to do it
Lady GaGa is a freak, but I still like her music